Sunday, March 28, 2010

Eye of the wolf

Not sure about this book. I didn't feel the connection with the characters that some people talked about, but at the same time I thought it was an interesting read, and that it was written cleverly.

I think children would enjoy having this book read to them, but whether many of them would stay with the story if they were reading it themselves, I'm not sure. I do agree with the bloggers who say it is worth a second read. My immediate thoughts on finishing the book were that I would have to read it again because knowing the ending would help 'fit' all the more subtle nuances of the story together.

Carole Turner

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne

John Boyne has portrayed the innocence of children during the Holocaust in this incredibly moving tale. The end of the book is so unexpected, moving and powerful. It deals with issues of racism that children can't understand and relates to how children always look up to their parents. I haven't read many books that have had such a sad ending and such a high impact.
It leaves you stunned!

Surjit Assi
Uphall Primary School

Friday, March 12, 2010

The other side of truth- Beverley Naidoo

I have enjoyed this book more than The eye of the wolf, as it is a longer story in which the plot develops well.

At times, I thought the experiences that the two young characters go through were far fetched, particularly when they get to London (video shop scene).

I was still able to empathise and feel sorrow for the characters though, especially when I thought their papa was going to die in the end!

A good read that highlights an on going issue within our world.