Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Boy with the striped pyjamas - do with your class or not?
Olivia, CLPE
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Monday, December 5, 2011
Message from Group E
It has been great to use Drama in the literacy lesson, enabling the children to get into role. It has been really powerful. Julia, Christ Church
We have transformed our literacy environment into an 'imagination station' with books, story props and children's own published books. The talk and enthusiasm for reading has developed hugely. Rachael, Christchurch
We had an author visit us, Ros Asquith, which was very inspirational. The children could see that authors are real people and were mesmerised by her. The outcome was some fantastic alien books and descriptive writing. Jane, Manorfield
Friday, December 2, 2011
Message from Group D
Monday, November 28, 2011
Beegu in Bristol
Alice, St George Primary
Sunday, November 27, 2011
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
(Having said that, I'm much more likely to watch the film now I've read the book!really I guess that's not point of the book but hey!)
Lora, Glenfrome
West of England Project
Saturday, November 26, 2011
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
I am intrigued to see how it pans out in the film now.
Laura, Portishead
West of England Project
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Group C
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Message from Wandsworth teachers
Fiona, Ravenstone
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Message from West of England Teachers
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Message from Merton POR
Monday, November 14, 2011
Message from Central A teachers
different activities and teaching approaches in new and exciting ways! Ollie
Winstone, Eltham C of E
My class have really enjoyed The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. It
has been great to unfold the book and explore the text as a whole, seeing the
whole picture. Kidbrooke Park Primary
It has changed my planning for the better! I have been more imaginative
in my approach and it's not taking such a long time! Eltham C of E
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Welcome to the Power of Reading blog 2011-12
We hope you will use the blog to record your responses to the teachers' books, the classroom texts and teaching sequences.
In particular in the next few weeks we're looking forward to hearing what you think about The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne.
The CLPE team
Saturday, April 2, 2011
The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Boy In Striped Pyjama's
Claire Henley in Arden
Thursday, February 17, 2011
The Eye of the Wolf
Palak and Leena, Dollis Infant School.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Lucy - Woodridge Primary
The eye of the wolf
enjoyable and easy to read with lots of good, descriptive language and imagery. We like the two voices aspect of the writing especially the impact causesd when the human voice took over the narrative. We certainly think it suitable to be used with upper KS2 children; they would enjoy the animal acting in human ways. Joyce, Marian, Bell Lane School.
Monday, February 14, 2011
eye of the wolf
We think it would be a good story to share with children. Although, in many ways, it's very sad, it ends on a note of optimism, & at the end you feel uplifted. It's also quite a short book (with short chapters & sentences), where children could quickly become immersed – & not get bored.
Jackie & Tracey - Church Hill School
Thursday, February 3, 2011
The Eye of The Wolf
At the end of the story what did everyone think happened?
Anne and Eimear
Our Lady Queen of Heaven Primary
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
There's a Boy in the Girls Bathroom
We would like to say:
"This book is written by Louis Sachar who is a great author and it is about a boy called Bradley and a new student called Jeff" Halimat Y5
"This book is an interesting book because of what has happened to Bradley Chalkers and how he behaves." Stefanie
"I like this book because the main character relates to me, but I can use my brain much more wisely than he can!" Kyreece
Monday, January 31, 2011
Eye of the wolf
Lawrence Wild
The Eye of The Wolf
The Eye of the Wolf
Ros and Cath
Long Lawford Primary
Sunday, January 30, 2011
I read this book over the space of a few evenings. I enjoyed this book and found it quite easy to read. I liked the way it was portrayed from the Wolfs perspective and enjoyed the different twists. I think this book would be enjoyed by children in Key Stage Two and I think it would open up alot of different learning opportunities.
Becky - Boughton Leigh Infant School
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
Ruth, Great Alne
Eye of the Wolf
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Kate Midgley - Friars
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
The Eye of the Wolf
Liked the repetition of the few lines about the boy being a good storyteller, which were throughout the book.
Would like to think that this is the kind of book that my children will read in the future.
Mrs Gregory and Miss Oldham - Malmesbury Primary School
The Eye of the Wolf
Katherine, All Saints', Merton
Monday, January 24, 2011
The Eye of the Wolf
Alex Jenkins
Bond Primary
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
Eye of the Wolf Review
Vickie Parker, Hillside Junior School
Eye of the wolf
Anne Hammond (Oak Farm Infant School - Hillingdon)
Our thoughts on The Eye of the Wolf are:
We loved it. The different parts of the story fell together so well and the symmetry of the text was very appealing. The zoo was intentionally sad but when the characters were all reunited it made sense. We both feel it has great potential for classwork although it may be trickier with the younger children - however, we are open to suggestions!
Looking forward to Tuesday.
Best wishes
Lesley and Amy
William Morris
Eye of the wolf
The Eye of the Wolf
Saturday, January 22, 2011
I really enjoyed the book. Thought it was really well written. Found both the wolf and the boy's stories equally interesting and was hooked all the way to the clever ending. Will definately read with my Year 5 class, who are all real animal lovers.
Sarah Daly, St Giles junior School
Eye of the Wolf
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
After reading - I fully appreciated the book cover - the illustrator had painted such a wonderful image which was lost on me until I had read the story.
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
The actors/storytellers who visited the school read the first part of the story to year 6 as planned and they loved it, one of the actors paced around the children staring at them whilst another read.
I returned to the book later to finish it, I enjoyed it, but was not so engaged with the characters and was a little disappointed as it hadn't lived up to the cracking start.
Eye of The Wolf
Katie Moy
Ipswich prep
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
I loved this book. The description of the characters and how all their lives intertwined led to an almost traditional, happy ever after.
Allison Mclatchie
Morehall Primary school
Eye of the Wolf
I enjoyed Eye of the Wolf - I loved the relationship the two characters built up and the fact they both learnt their stories through each other's eyes - fantastic description of the Wolf's eye. Our link colleague Jennie Clarke had actually shown us this extract during our POR INSET and actually having that experience and looking more closely at the text made me understand it more when I was able to read the whole thing and understand the context for the extract.
I, in contrast to a lot of people, found the second part harder to understand. The boy's story was more abstract but easy to read and I read this quickly in an evening. I didn't feel like putting it down (even with the pressure of having to read it!) This would make a great Guided reader - the relationships between characters (animals and humans) the description of the landscapes - links to geography, history - that I think a lot of children would enjoy getting into this book. It's perfect for the Tell me Grid - what I liked, disliked, patterns, puzzles, questions and what it reminds you of - what a great couple of sessions that would be on its own.
Sarah Lowden
Churchfields Junior School, Redbridge
Monday, January 17, 2011
The Power of Reading!
The eye of the wolf
Eye of the Wolf
Eye of the Wolf
The Eye of the Wolf
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Jo Norris, Whitnash Primary School
Traction Man - Mini Grey
My class loved keeping a class journal of the process undertaken. We were able to keep photo's, examples of work, the childrens thoughts and ideas plus lots more. The journal is now in our book corner and is well read and a constant reminder of the fabulous book.
Other activities such as drama and hot seating were very effective and helped the children to understand and explore the characters. They adored making the story boxes and adding props to create a new scene, a perfect lead into writing a new traction man story.
I cannot recommend this book enough and the work that comes from it is wonderful.
Eye of the Wolf
Claire Hillingdon
Saturday, January 15, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
Jill Williams. Long Cross Primary and Nursery School Bristol.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Eye of the wolf
Jo Rose Grove primary
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
The London Eye Mystery
What a great story.
I really enjoyed the perspective of Ted, the narrator, who has Aspergers (I assume) although this is never actually said explicitly.
The book also has a really interesting story attached to it about the author and the proceeds from the book.
So, thanks to Elizabeth, one of our Y6 teachers who motivated me to read it by sayong she was planning to use it with her class. Definitely interesting for our London children - maybe a day out can be planned to go and see the scene of the crime first hand???
Kathryn, Barnet LEA
Sunday, January 9, 2011
Eye of the Wolf
The book was a short, easy read but I could not put it down once I had started. I thought the ending may have been a bit too farfetched with all the animals being reunited in the zoo but maybe that was the point.
Emily-Merton Abbey Primary
The Eye of the Wolf
Eye of the Wolf
Louise - Goose Green Primary
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Eye of the wolf
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
The eye of the wolf
Lucy Howard Alderwood Primary School
Helen Ellis - Mayflower Primary School
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Review: The Eye of the Wolf
The book was quite a short read and may be worth reading again as I was reading the book late at night.