Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Boy with the striped pyjamas - do with your class or not?

We at CLPE wonder if teachers might use this POR 'teachers book' with their year 6 classes. A few teachers have used it - but it's such a heartrending issue for primary children to come to terms with - I'm just not sure. What do people think?

Olivia, CLPE

The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas

I would say that I love this book, but it's so sad it almost feels wrong to say that I enjoyed it! I wanted to show Bruno what was really going on and found it very frustrating that I couldn't! I think it's a wonderful, subtle introduction to the horrendous history of WWII for KS2 and 3 pupils.
Natalie, Bank Leaze Primary
West of England Project

Monday, December 5, 2011

Message from Group E

It has been great to use Drama in the literacy lesson, enabling the children to get into role. It has been really powerful. Julia, Christ Church

We have transformed our literacy environment into an 'imagination station' with books, story props and children's own published books. The talk and enthusiasm for reading has developed hugely. Rachael, Christchurch

We had an author visit us, Ros Asquith, which was very inspirational. The children could see that authors are real people and were mesmerised by her. The outcome was some fantastic alien books and descriptive writing. Jane, Manorfield

Friday, December 2, 2011

Message from Group D

The children love it - it's real! The children like working with the same text over two weeks, they love Bob! Elspeth, Edmund Waller

We've done three books already! My class were practising slow motion self defence for hamsters when the head and chair of governors walked in! The children love it.
Jayne, Meridian

We've been doing Beegu - it has been particularly successful with children with EAL - the pictures were really good for discussion and how the characters were feeling.
Helen, Nightingale