Saturday, January 28, 2012

The Boy in Striped Pyjamas

I loved the book, even though I was left feeling traumatised after reading it. That is what a good book should do. Leave you thinking about the characters, their choices, what would they do next etc. Bruno's naively thinks in a black/white view of the world and that is how children think. In a way it was wonderful to read a book without the central character being several shades of grey. However, as an adult reader you know that the story will end with questions for your conscience. I teach a Year 2 class and obviously the text is inappropriate for them but I feel a Year 6 class would be enthral led by the story. I think from the outset adults in the classroom would have to make it clear that the subject matter is very serious but important. There are issues within society that mirror the attitudes of adults in the story. We should challenge older children to think 'is it ok to dislike someone/someone's because adults around me do?'. Similarly, if they see something that is wrong or feel uncomfortable do they say something or do something about it? I feel I am going to write an essay so I will stop but in summary: A moving story. Gillian Morton- Fielding Primary School

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