Monday, March 11, 2013

The Boy in the Striped PJs

Unfortunately, I knew the ending of this wonderful book before I started it. My husband had seen the film a while ago and had told me I was not, under any circumstances, to read or watch it! He then told me why!! Of course I ignored his proclamation and read the book. Therefore, while I was saddened by it, I did not cry. If I had read it 'cold', I know I would have bawled like a baby!

I was immediately engaged by the simple story-telling in child-like language. The connotations of the misheard 'Fury' and 'Outwith' were very well done.

I also liked the way in which Bruno denied his friend in much the same manner as Peter and Jesus in the Bible.

I'm glad I read this book and it has only strengthened my resolve to visit Auschwitz and see for myself what the place was like. It is so important that we never forget what happened, and books like this will remind readers of all ages for many years to come.

Laura, Eye CE Primary.

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