Monday, January 18, 2010

Rita from St. Patricks Birstall Book discussion

Book discussion
Hi there thanks for another fab afternoon especially the exercise in on the field. Very good touch to keep us on our feet! HE HE!
First ‘The Garbage King’ I liked the how scared I felt as I read about how much that poor child went through. I kept thinking- When is it going to stop? This is what kept me reading as it was not the type of book that I do like to read and found it hard to get started.
I did not like when that little boy died and all those children were dealing with it on their own. I just so wanted for someone to help them and to ensure that all the children could find refuge.
Second ‘The Other Side Of Truth’ I haven’t quite finished this book yet but I found the beginning very dramatic and such a worry. I so wanted for the children to wake up and its all a dream. I feel that this is not going to happen now.
I am finding it hard to get into or connect with this story as I can’t believe that these children whose father is willing and so determined to die for the truth. Their mother who seems to have been so strong and supportive inside for her husbands work and beliefs. Then how can these allow themselves be pushed along these other paths without planning and plotting to get to their uncle not taking no for an answer. I was waiting for them to bolt or to stand their ground as this is their only way of getting to their father.
For me this title could have meant little white lies where you shade the truth to protect some ones feelings.
The connection between both books is the involvement of children, hardship and the their need for refuge and care.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I've read both books The Other Side of Truth and Garbage King and during my read I did wonder what age group they were aimed at. I cannot imagine that any child under 11 would find them an easy read due to the content which,among other things, particularly in the Garbage King, made reference to his mother's rather relaxed approach to men. I think such references would raise questions that pre sex-ed lessons would not be able to answer or failing that, they would just pass them by. As an adult reader I enjoyed the Garbage King and thought The Other Side of Truth an interesting read but I know that as a child I would not have got past the first few pages of either. I always preferred escapist literature rather than gritty realism. As a class book however both books would work well with sensitive handling of the issues raised, but I would imagine the class would need to be at least year 5 or 6.