Saturday, January 30, 2010

Varjak Paw observation

Dear Sally,

It's great your class are enjoying Varjak and that you want to show off POR approaches to your visiting governors. How about switching the sessions round a bit? You could start with the drawing and annotation of Sally's gang and Holly and co from the next session, drawing together what they already know about the gangs and individual cats, then in pairs role playing interviews with one child in each pair as Sally or Holly and the other as a reporter. These could then be shared with the class at the end of the session - or you could have a whole class hot seating session. This could lead to the writing of an 'in-depth' report about life on the streets to go with the newspaper reports on the missing cats (which you could do in a later session) or could be the diary writing in mini books suggested in the sequence.

Hope it goes well! I'm sure it will.

Sue McGonigle, CLPE

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