The children are really engaged after only two lessons with The Princess and the White Bear King. I like the varied results each week in sharing assembly there is so much stuff to share. The Head is really behind the project. Erin and Bryoney, Wyborne School.
I was worried about lots of drama but we are into our first week with Ice Palace we have done lots of drama but we have also written a poem, instructions there are lots of writing opportunities. Liza, Holy Trinity.
I have an author of the month the children can take the books out, recommend books on post it notes, they love it and ask who our next author of month will be. Hayley, Cherry Orchard.
1 comment:
Hi All
this is sarah from Lincoln, we were aiming to pilot this project with year 6 and year 1, instead it is now running with year3,5 and 6. We have 6 books on the go, as we are a two form entry. The children are 150% on board. In fact they are driving it. The creation of reading dens has become quite competitive , in fact all year groups are trying to out do each other..fairy lights, cushions, harem tents etc.
I was explaining to our year 5 about this Blog, so the year 5 have helped me write it. They have never written a blog either!
They love this book, as you can see below........
Clockwork by Philip Pullman
Year 5 : We read this book in 6 half lessons, just over a week.
Our favourite bits…….
Dion Says: I like the story as it’s about clockwork bodies, Burgomaster is my favourite because he can sometimes be funny.
Chloe says: In the end it says the heart that is given must also be kept, the author kept us guessing what would happen until the end.
Ethan says: There is detective work and mysteries, the clockwork element is great, however I DIDN’T LIKE WHEN Prince Florian was very ill,
Katie says: The ending when Gretl gave her heart away, but actually didn’t, as she had fallen in love with Prince Florian.
Ellie says: Prince Otto gave his heart to Prince Florian to save him, his father died for his son, so great was the fathers love.
Jamie:The boys liked the part where Karl got killed as he was a mean naughty character.
Our not so favourite bits…………..
Flynn: I dislike when Sir Iron soul killed Karl because it made me feel sick talking about the blood.
Ben: I disliked Karl because he was a mean horrible person, he talked about killing lots of people and he altered Prince Florian and disfigured him.
Jozeph: I dislike the part where Prince Florian falls in love with Gretl in the clocktower as I thought it was gross!!!! They didn’t kiss luckily!!!
Elisha: I dislike the ending as I thought it was sloppy and soppy.
Jamie: I dislike Gretl hugging Florian.
The most puzzling bits………..
Adam: There are cliffhangers, we were puzzled when Price Florian turned into a real boy.
Emily Rose: Dr Kalmenius can through the door and I thought it was going to be someone else…………………
Ellie: We didn’t know the phrase the heart that must be given must also be kept. This was explained at the ending.
One word to describe this book…………………..
Romantic, breathtaking, bloody, imaginative, awkward, descriptive, amazing, mystical, loving, magical, mystifying, creative,puzzling, worth reading, informative, weird, out of this world
These comments are from children, some of whom couldnt ghive me a favourite author 4 weeks ago!!!!
photos to follow
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