I'm having a bit of trouble with one aspect of the data collection and hope that someone else might be able to help me. It's the form that we have to fill in about whether children can and do read. As a Year 1 teacher, I'm wondering what criteria we might use to decide if someone can read?
All of the children in my class can read at different levels but some are limited to high frequency words and to words containing phase 2 and 3 graphemes from letters and sounds. They can read print at this level and can also answer some questions about text. As they are all successfully reading, even if it is at a very early level, do I classify them as "can read" or does their very early reading development mean they "can't read"?
Any thoughts warmly welcomed.
1 comment:
Hello! One thing that I did with this for my Yr 5 class was to write four statements in child friendly language that correlated with the boxes.(E.g. "I find reading easy and I enjoy it", "I find reading hard but I still enjoy it" - etc) I then got the chn to choose which box they would put themselves in. I also did my own sheet and I just did it roughly based on where they were for their year group - so in year one I guess I'd just very loosely divide them into chn who were confident and where they should be, and chn who were a bit behind. I think it's just meant to give a general picture so don't worry about being too precise!
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