Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Slow Time

Sometimes it’s easy to forget when surrounded by what at first may seem like chaos.

Today while both Y4 classes were in one classroom making cushion covers, cushion covers as part of our project to improve our book corner, a pupil who just couldn’t wait to be helped became frustrated. I told him that Kipling once wrote in a poem how it was “important to keep your head while all about you are loosing theirs”. Still unsure and unconvinced I tried again. Well like “slow time”, you must remain in control while the whole world rushes past, keep calm and stay focused. A “non- reader” over heard, joined the conversation, began reciting from Varjak Paw and the rest, well…………………


Shadow- Walking

Moving Circles

Trust Yourself

Open Mind



To an author who has enabled discussions about a simple story on all levels, at anytime and across the curriculum, thanks.


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