Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Power of reading

Being involved in this project has enthused and inspired again my own love of reading which I believe is also influencing the children who I teach. When I launched the project with my class we spent quite a long time talking about why reading was powerful, which was a very thoughtful insight into what children thought about reading.

I have set up a reading club with children from my class who eagerly come and discuss their favourite books and just enjoy having time to spend reading. We hope to go visit our local library in one of our sessions, which is an opportunity that the children seem excited about. This makes me wonder whether our use of technology and fabulous other resources has taken over from simple trips to the library which myself as a child used to treasure and enjoy. With an ever increasingly demanding curriculum has the time to just sit and read for pleasure become minimal. I would welcome other people's thoughts about this and am also interested in how others may run reading clubs in their schools?


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